
2.5 - 3.5 Years
2.5 - 3.5 years


The Crickets is for children age 2.5 to 3.5 who are not quite ready to be a Grasshopper. This class is a specific transitional one designed to help children who are struggling to become separated from their parents. The curriculum begins with the Parents being completely involved, and as the classes progress they are slowly transitioned out to allow the kids to stand alone by the end of the class. The main goals of this class include: improved physical coordination, counting, use of imitation & imagination, and full independence in a social setting.

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Choose one of our class locations from the list below or from the map on the right.

Michael & Son Sportsplex at Dulles

Sterling, VA

The 422 Sportsplex

Pottstown, PA

Michael and Son Sportsplex at Rockville

Rockville, MD

XL Sports Arena

Warminster, PA

Metuchen SportsCenter

Metuchen, NJ

Bowie Mill Park

Olney, MD

The Ark

Olney, MD

Urbana, MD
Clarksburg, MD

Wheaton Woods, MD

Brambleton, VA